The Post slider allows you to display a 2-5 column slider with entries, that are fetched from any of your Themes active Taxonomies. This also includes Taxonomies that are added via Plugins. So for example if you have a shop plugin active you will also be able to display the latest Products.
The Post slider allows you to display a 2-5 column slider with entries, that are fetched from any of your Themes active Taxonomies. This also includes Taxonomies that are added via Plugins. So for example if you have a shop plugin active you will also be able to display the latest Products.
3348 Szilvásvárad,
Miskolci út 58.
+36 30 757 16 16
+36 30 494 2774
Felnőtt: 800 Ft
Gyermek (6 év felett)/Nyugdíjas: 500 Ft
Családi: 2000 Ft (2 felnőtt + 2 gyermek)
Csoportos kedvezmény: 10 fő után egy kísérő ingyenesen léphet be.
Kizárólag előzetes bejelentkezés alapján:
Tel.: +36 30 494 2774, vagy +36 30 757 16 16